

ALUMNI CLASS NOTES What's new with you?

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1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s

(Page updated February 2023)





At age 90, I am still working full time (by telephone) as a psychoanalyst. I am also keeping up painting (watercolors) and drawing, with an exhibit scheduled this April in Monterey, MA. 爵士音乐家们在格林威治村的老斯莫斯爵士场地演奏的时候. I hope to have another performance of my play, Flight of the Ibis, which is set in 10th-century Cordoba, Spain, once the pandemic is over. 我的妻子, 杰基, a Middle East historian, is about to teach her last term at Pace University before retiring. 我的女儿, Tika, lives in the Berkshires in Massachusetts with two grandsons, 我的儿子, 爱丽儿, a jazz musician with Juilliard training on the double bass, 和他的妻子, 爵士歌手, and son live near our apartment in Greenwich Village. Glad to hear that Poly had classes outside this fall. (2021年1月)





我们住在一个高尔夫球场社区,在那里我偶尔还能打出100杆. I stay active working with the William & Mary Athletic Department and especially the basketball program. 玛莎和我有三个女儿,还有七个可爱的孙子孙女, 谁, during this pandemic, we see regularly thanks to Zoom and computer video.

The Great Class of 1953 remains close. 我们与Zoom会议进行沟通,并定期向每个人发送电子邮件更新,而53岁的同学布鲁斯·伯恩斯坦(Bruce Bernstein)在保持这种状态方面做得非常出色.  我们可能已经毕业很久了,但仍然记得“遥远的高地”和我们以前的足球颂歌的每一个字, “把斧头给他们, 斧, 斧!” (2021年1月)




大家好,1956年最伟大的保利班的同学们,大家好. Bette and I just celebrated 55 years married. 我们有两个孩子, 4个孙子——最大的两个男孩获得了足球奖学金,为加州伯克利大学踢球. We now know their season will not take place, although football will. GRRRR. 很多同学在脸谱网上看到了我最新的照片,欢迎你加入. My latest work is with hummingbirds. Stay safe and healthy. (2020年10月)


Victor Rich ' 57

仍然定期与57年的Fred Shwom和George Malin以及57年的Richie Piluso和57年的Peter Siviglia见面并交谈. Fred and I golf together about 3-4 times per year. 可能会想念今年冬天去佛罗里达的家,因为我们俩都有医疗问题,要么是现在的问题,要么是处于康复阶段的问题. Waiting at home on Long Island with spouse Patti (former Patricia Ann Boxer, Packer) for our coronavirus prevention vaccination shots. I am a former president and current secretary of Dartmouth Class of 1961. 在2020年, 我成为了我们班第七个获得1961年“杰出贡献奖”的人, 我的大学, and society in general. 今年, I will miss the South Florida Poly Reunion Luncheon, which Patti and I looked forward to and attended for the past several years, 与哈维·谢夫和玛吉·谢夫(谢夫57届于2016年去世前)以及查克·考夫曼和黛安·考夫曼(考夫曼56届于2019年去世前)共度时光. As of this past fall season, I was still playing 18 holes of golf per round, but definitely on a declining basis. I have retired from racing sailboats and skiing several years ago. (2021年1月)



Jonathan Fratkin '62

Jonathan Fratkin ’62

Living the retirement life on the Dog River, in Mobile County, Alabama. I enjoy being a “Damn Yankee,” a northerner who came to the South, either for a battle or maybe just a visit, 从未离开. I am learning how to handle our powerboat, a 24-foot Boston Whaler. There are many places to travel by boat around the Dog River and Mobile Bay. Although I have not yet become a real fisherman, Gail and I have caught crabs in small traps dropped off the end of our pier. It’s a great deal of work to clean enough crabs to make a good-sized salad. I would love to hear from alumni or alumnae, especially in the region. (2020年5月)


梅里克(Rick) 戈登63年

“Hoping everyone is safe and well! Phyllis and I have relocated to PBG, Florida. I’m still working and playing golf. If anyone else has done the same and lives nearby, please reach out.” (2021年10月)


Terry Martinson ’65

我已经从45年的事工中完全退休了,尽管我仍然在被召唤时讲道. 我的妻子, Marcia, and I have two sons and five grandchildren. We both volunteer at Plimoth Plantation (AKA: Plimoth/Pawtuxet.)我经常走路——自一年前隔离开始以来,我已经走了1500多英里.t’s a great deal of work to clean enough crabs to make a good-sized salad. I would love to hear from alumni or alumnae, especially in the region. (2021年2月)




我现在住在苏格兰西部的海岸,从电视新闻工作退休后,我在摄像机两边工作了很多年. 一切都好,当西南方向刮起风时,我试着控制我的海上皮艇. 去年,我和妻子简在英国与弗兰克和威利·巴伦夫妇呆了一段时间. Good times had by all. (2020年6月)





My grown boys are both living in 纽约; although they miss their Walden roots. I’m still going into town teaching Rheumatology & Medicine to the neophyte students at Harvard Medical School. Hope to see everybody at our 50th! (2019年11月)


Anthony Sgarlato ’74

博彩网站排名和史坦顿岛行医33年后, 担任纽约市首席法医办公室的高级医学调查员和博彩网站排名一家药物滥用诊所的医学主任, Professor Anthony Sgarlato MD, FACP ' 74已接受瓦格纳学院医师助理项目兼职教授的职位. (2022年9月)




Recently returned from my fourth Fulbright fellowship, 此次在中国郑州大学水利与环境学院担任生态水文学客座教授. 郑州, along the Yellow River (the cradle of Chinese civilization), is a city of ten million people, and ZZU is the largest university in China (73,000名学生). 我一个人很容易地在这个城市的地铁系统中穿行(在纽约长大帮了我的忙)。. My ZZU hosts were great; they took me to many places that I wanted to visit, 包括周末乘坐高铁去西安参观秦始皇兵马俑. (2019年12月)

Kenneth Simurro '75

Kenneth Simurro ’75

在COVID大流行期间,我和妻子玛丽莲庆祝了我们结婚25周年纪念日. 自2020年3月以来,我在纽约州北部教会ELCA的主教工作人员中所做的工作只增加了. 2021年1月,我将从我的教区搬到我们乡村另一端的临时职位. 也, we rehabilitated our barn, planned a sizable garden, and kept our nearly nine-acre property neat and tidy. A celebratory shout out to classmate Paul Presti ’75 who recently celebrated his 40th wedding anniversary; I should know, as I was his best man! (2021年1月)



I was named President of Every Generation Ministries. 总部设在Temecula, 加州, EGM是一个全球性的事工,与17个国家的教会合作,为儿童提供转化的圣经教育. (2020年2月)




大卫·威尔逊(David Wilson)是一名心理治疗师,他与妻子和年幼的孩子住在霍博肯. He looks back at his years at Poly “with fondness and a sense of wonder.” (2021年10月)



“I’m living in the North Bay Area in 加州 with my wife Chaela, 继子Zane-15, Olive-11, a one eyed tabby cat (Ginger), and our chocolate lab Shiloh. My son Payton-20 left the nest last year. He’s at Santa Clara U. We love it out here. 刚去了我们的第一次“粉红”派对,在一个很棒的酒庄(那里有很多), had a good ski season and getting back into golf. In the financial advice business, that’s been rewarding in many ways. A trip planned for the April ‘22 reunion. 好久不见了. Will be good to come back!” (2022年4月)


Melissa Davidson ’88

“I left my job as a public librarian after 13 years. I am now enjoying my free time in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.” (2022年10月)

Samantha DiGennaro ’88

我很激动地宣布,莱昂纳多·迪根纳罗于9月5日来到了我们的世界, 2021 with an ear-to-ear smile followed by crocodile tears. 小里奥以我想象不到的方式祝福他妈妈的生活. 这是一个漫长的为人父母的博彩网站排名,我感到很幸运,有一个健康美丽的男婴(尽管如此), 在我们这个年纪!!). If anyone wants to meet my little champ or just catch up, please 给我写封信. (2021年11月)


Michael Kearns ’89

5月26日, 2023, 迈克尔和杰森·史密斯在丹佛郊外的阿拉帕霍县法院结婚,庆祝他们结婚15周年. After working as an energy lobbyist in DC for over a decade, Michael earned a Master’ degree in Social Work from Howard University in 2016. 2018年搬到丹佛后,他一直担任心理治疗师,直到2022年退休. (2023年1月)



Johnny Giacalone '93

Johnny Giacalone ’93

性爱三十夜 (to Save Your Marriage), 由约翰尼·贾卡龙执导的独立喜剧故事片(联合编剧/联合制片人/联合主演) 丹·福格勒,94年现在可以在Tubi上免费播放,并在亚马逊/巴恩斯(Amazon/Barnes)上提供DVD & 高贵/目标! (2020年1月)



Jon Krasner, a partner at 7G Realty Group, opened The Rockaway Hotel 在洛克威海滩, 2020年9月在纽约举办,并期待在安全的情况下举办未来的校友活动! Jon currently lives in Tribeca 和他的妻子 Dr. Dana Pagar and three daughters, Georgia, Lola and Isabel. (2020年11月)



玛丽莎·贝克 ‘01

Marissa继续她作为注册营养师(RDN)的职业生涯,最近成为REVV Health的创始人, a wellness vendor providing online nutrition counseling and corporate education, “to help people perform better in their everyday life.” She lives with her husband and two girls in Mercer Island, Washington. (2022年12月)

凯特·辛瑟 ‘01

凯特·津瑟01年级的学生在芝加哥伊利诺伊大学心理学系开始了她的第10个年头,她在那里从事幼儿教育系统和预防项目的研究. This Fall also marks the release of her first book, “不再受欢迎:幼儿教育被驱逐的流行”,可从 Oxford University Press(2022年7月)


Kazmira Pytlak Nedeau ‘03

“我现在和丈夫乔纳森以及孩子沃尔特(4岁)和黑兹尔(1岁)住在科德角。. I love living close to the ocean and we have a big garden and chickens. Jonathan and I also opened an independent bookstore during the pandemic, right on the main street in our town. If you ever on the Cape stop in and say hello! Sea Howl Bookshop, 46 Main Street, Orleans, MA. (2022年6月)


Jabari Brisport ’05

Jabari Brisport ‘05

Jabari Brisport ‘05 won election to the New York State Senate from District 25. 在他的胜利中, 他还创造了历史,成为纽约州立法机构中第一位公开同性恋身份的黑人成员. (2020年11月)

克里斯蒂娜象牙海岸 ‘05

喜剧演员, producer and co-founder of the boutique Real Estate firm, Cote Luxury Real Estate, Cristina is the 纽约 broker on the HGTV TV show, “Happily Wherever” that premiered Friday, 5月21日, 2021 on HGTV and Discovery+, Episode 3 of the series, “City Comfort or Suburban Serenity?其中,“一个纽约的死忠家庭热爱这座城市所提供的活力和多样性。, but they wonder if it’s worth the cost of their cramped apartment; they’ll seek the answer by exploring homes in Nashville, the Hudson Valley and Manhattan.“立法院. (2021年5月)


“The year 2020 has been a big year for me both personally and professionally. 今年2月,我结婚了,今年春天,我赢得了印第安纳波利斯市的年度体育/健康教师奖. 虽然过去的15个月对每个人来说都很艰难,但也有一些回报.” (2021年5月)

Akili Tommasino ‘05

Akili Tommasino和他的妻子Amanda Herrera Tommasino宣布他们的女儿出生了, Amaya Merit Tommasino, 6月14日, 2022. 祝贺你! 也 of note, Akili was one of five curators featured by 弗里兹 为纽约一些最有影响力、最受欢迎的文化机构提供了新的领导, 当公众讨论不公正和社会变革的需要时,意味着博物馆和艺术空间的角色正在被深刻地重新定义.Akili于2021年开始担任大都会艺术博物馆副馆长. (2023年1月)


Amardeep吉尔 ‘06

在格林威治村的喜剧酒窖做过直播和播客制作人之后, 纽约, Amardeep now runs his own virtual event production agency, StreamGuru Productions(2021年5月)



现任的帕克·坎农09年从58区赢得了乔治亚州众议院的选举.  (2020年11月)



Emily Hochman ' 10

Emily Hochman is the Founder and CEO of Wellory这款反饮食营养应用的使命是让所有人都能获得个性化的营养. Hochman has been featured in Forbes, 商业内幕网和Wellory应用程序现在可以通过苹果商店和谷歌播放! (2020年11月)


Allegra Natsios ’10

我很难过我不能参加今年的聚会,我们都不能庆祝,因为今年是特别的. It has been 10 years since I walked through the halls, and I’m sure next year, when I celebrate my friends’ 10 year graduation anniversary, it will still feel like my second home. I know that high school felt like forever, and college was even worse, but Poly truly is a community with a lifelong impact. I have never regretted my years of school, homework and the never-ending weeks of sleep deprivation, 因为我所做的回忆一直伴随着我,作为鼓舞人心的提醒,你不一定要成为最伟大的人,才能产生最大的影响. Now I’m not saying I would go back to high school, (because I wouldn’t survive it all again), but I am saying that I miss the community that shaped who I am today.

现在我在医疗保健领域工作,我知道每一个人是多么重要. 你们很重要,我们都希望你们安全不仅是为了你们自己,也是为了其他人. 如果说我学到了什么,那就是没有人能单凭一己之力拯救世界. Everybody had a little help. 从我的内心深处,我希望保利社区保持安全,强大和聪明. (2020年7月)


Christine Croasdaile ’13

This last year has been one of great testimony. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, 我在ViacomCBS做了一年半的时代广场编辑品牌策略助理,然后搬到了华盛顿, DC to pursue my JD/MBA at Howard University. I celebrated a milestone birthday over Zoom, learned my first year of doctrinal courses in a completely virtual setting, 在一个新的城市,尽管社交活动受到限制,但仍然能够建立联系和网络.

我很高兴地告诉大家,我接受了奥睿律师事务所暑期助理的职位 & Sutcliffe LLP的知识产权诉讼团队,我将与脸谱网的法务部门分享我的机会. I also received a Law Fellowship from 我的大学 alma mater, 阿默斯特学院, to assist with my 2L year.

Even during this long quarantine period, 我很感激能够顺利地完成我在法学院的第一年, maintain contact with my Poly family, and celebrate the positive moments despite the not so positive realities. 我期待着看到世界一点一点地开放,这样我们就可以继续努力,让我们的小地方变得更好! (2021年5月)


Drew Lewis 14岁

“As I enter my final year at Howard University School of Law, I reflect on how eventful my law school career has been. I was elected Student Bar Association President, 这让我想起了2013-2014年我在保利担任学生会主席的时光. This is truly a full-circle experience. 今年4月,我还获得了研究生会颁发的年度法律学生奖. 8月, I served as the Orientation Co-Chair, 负责带领一年级新生进入他们全新的虚拟教育环境. 9月, I co-founded Law Students Protect the Vote, 一项鼓励法律专业学生参与选民保护计划的无党派运动,以确保每个符合条件的人都能在2020年的选举中行使投票权. 我是霍华德公共利益法律协会的公益主席主持了我们的年度义卖拍卖为我们的奖学金筹集资金, which is awarded to students with unpaid public interest summer internships. 我很高兴地发现,保利的管理人员通过慷慨捐赠来支持这项事业. 最后, 我很自豪地宣布,我是普利策中心1619项目课程的客座撰稿人,通过他们的法学院倡议. 普利策中心与两所法学院合作,创造了一种跨学科的方法,为《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》1619项目中的文章提供了法律概念. I created lesson plan modules on ‘American Popular 音乐’ and ‘The Wealth Gap,,旨在激发批判性思维,并进一步理解美国当代种族问题的社会影响. 今年夏天,我将在Delta Sigma Theta姐妹会内部实习, Incorporated’s Legal Affairs Department, working primarily on Intellectual Property and compliance matters.” (2021年5月)



“I am living in London, leading design for Toshi technology, and enjoying life! ” (2023年1月)



凯尔(启动 投资钢铁洪流2020年春天,在布朗大学(Brown University)的大学宿舍里,她与街头服装品牌. 作为一个爱好开始,已经发展到难以想象的高度,科比既谦卑又感激. (2020年11月)



After graduating from NYU Journalism Magna Cum Laude, 我正在伦敦大学学院读研究生,攻读创意纪录片的硕士学位! (2022年3月)
